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What’s Happening

Music Performance

Calls for scores for piano solo for composition competition in memory of Morton Feldman, open to all international composers without age limit from September 2023 until March 2024


Calls for scores for piano solo for composition competition in memory of Morton Feldman. Any style, any duration, all composers worldwide are invited to send in their works. Up to three prizes awarded, no money prize. Official documents for the winning composers by Neue Musik Frankfurt and Ensemble Postmodern. Performance and public display on YouTube of the winning works with mention of the composers and on Facebook at Neue Musik Frankfurt.

Submissions with score, short bio and program notes to:

Submission fee 35 Euros per work to cover all competition expenses, payable to:

Payment of submission fee is no guarantee for winning a prize in the competition.

Best of luck to all composers and God bless you, Shalom, amen.






New invention of Musical Constructivism and Sequential Music by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo together with Ensemble Postmodern

August 18-28, 2022


A list of new musical inventions, innovations, novelties and concepts invented and created by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo:


- Image/Photo scores (2015)

- Poetry scores (2015)

- Approximate Notation (2019)

- Musical graphic scribble scores (2019)

- Free chordal alterations, in novel sheet music with melody and chord symbols to be alterated freely (2015)

- line and curve notation (2019)

- Free interpretative music (1998): music without dynamics and/or without tempo indication for flexible free interpretation in dynamics and tempi

- Approximate pitch interpretation (2015), for microtonal inflections within conventional notation

- Singular music (2022), invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo on 5.6.2022. Singular Music is a free musical succession of singular musical events in time like a succession of singularities occuring and fading away in time.

- Layer Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo on 28.8.2022, music in successions of varying layers of tones, sounds or noises.

- 1, 7, 11 Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo on 28.8.2022: Music based on a new cadence of the 1., 7. and 11. steps as cadence of the chromatic scale with diatonic melody over it, a new tonal system.

- Automatic Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2000: Music written automatically like in literary surrealist écriture atomatique but in musical writing, performance or improvisation.

- Dreamism, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2000: Music inspired by dreams.

- Tenderism, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 1998: Music to be performed in tender manner.

- Da Capo Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2015: Music with a succession of many Da Capo repetitions as formal constitutents.

- Transcendental Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2017: Music composed and performed as a sacrifice for the gods of the Holy Vedas.

- X Row Music, invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo on 28.8.2022: Music composed with a row of a viariable of x numbers of tones, sounds or noises in succession.

- Miniopera, the Miniopera form was invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2013: A small, mini, opera, for one performer with or without instruments.

- Unisonata, the Unisonata form was invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo in 2019: A piece of a single line or multiple lines in unison.


New musical, artistic and poetical styles invented by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo on Tuesday, 25.10.2023:


Be inspired for art, music and poetry by these new styles by Patrick Ananta Sutardjo to the glory of Goddess Mother Devi, Om:

- Spacism

- Genderism

- Tactilism

- Turnism

- Lightism

- Starism

- Colorism

- Shadism

- Tentativism

- Lucidityism

- Transism

- Personism

- Omism

- Richism

- Textism

- Greatism

- Numerism

- Arrivalism

- Letterism

- Signism

- Tryism

- Namism

- Rightism

- Leftism

- Middleism

- Trackism

- Decicism

- Dreamism

- Telephonism

- Shaktiism

- Deathism

- Finalism

- Emptyism


Glory, honor and praise to Mother Kali, Om!

New Music coming up

From August 19, 2022

New music with acoustic instruments and machines coming up. The new Musical Constructivist piece for piano or keyboard can be played by a human performer or by an AI Humanoid Android Robot. Expect soon more innovative new musical and artistic production with acoustic instruments and machines for human or AI Humanoid Robot performance.


The MIT has received Patrick Ananta Sutardjo's AI graphic composition for the Great Creator Maha Brahma for research and performance.


New spiritual collaborations between digital and analogue technological machines and human of post-humanism and trans-humanism for a universal post-humanist freedom ethics of vegetarian and vegan Ahimsa for the protection of the animals and nature, and digital concerts worlwide on the WWW via YouTube, Facebook and Instagram are coming up soon when it is possible and as Krishna wills to the glory and homage of the gods of the Holy Vedas in this Age of Postmodernism. Glory, honor, homage and praise to Mother Kali, Om, Hrim.

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